Well, it's March 3rd, the temperatures are in the low 60s, and I've had just about all the political phone calls from my newest, best buddies -- Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton and their proxies I can stand. I made the mistake of answering the phone once and got nailed by one of those callers, but now I just let the answering machine handle it. I haven't seen any smoke yet from the machine, but I'm not sure how the two of them are getting along trapped in there. Maybe they'll work everything out.
Anyhow, as I said, the day started out nicely here today, so I grabbed my clubs and headed to the driving range. Boy was that fun. I just hope this newly acquired skill with a driver and 3-wood will carry over to the course.
Of course, the weather didn't last -- it's Ohio, right! When I got home, I scooped the yard to get rid of the dog poop, and then spent what was left of the morning

looking under the tarps on my boat to see if it has made it through the winter storms. None of the tarps were torn, so I thought it would be OK, and it was. Boy is that a relief -- fishing season is almost here and I can't wait. It was this time last year that I began looking into getting the boat painted. When I bought it, it was in bad need of a paint job, and removal of some big fish decals that were pretty deteriorated. Anyhow, it looked like the person who owned it should be about 290 pounds, fishing with a case of PBR and night crawlers strewn all over the bottom of the boat.
I checked with all the local auto body repair places in the area. Two guys said they wouldn't do it as the cost would be prohibitive, and another one did give me a

figure of $1600. Shoot, the boat, trailer, batteries, trolling motor and fish finder only cost $1300 total. So getting it done by one of them wasn't a viable option. I told myself it was only an old fishing boat, so maybe I could paint it by myself. Well, I sanded, taped it off, primed it and then painted away with the best spray cans Wal-Mart had on the shelf. My neighbor kids thought I was nuts, and my wife would come home from work and just shake her head as she walked passed it. They all obviously failed to see its potential. Or could it be they failed to see any artistic talent in me in the past and weren't hopeful now. Well, I'd show 'em...give me another can of paint!! In fact, I think I'll throw in a decal of my own, just for good measure. When I was finished, I named it
"Miss Pam" (smart, huh!).
The pictures you see are the before and after. Actually, I surprised

myself. It turned out quite well. In fact, one day last summer, when I was tied up to a dock at the boat launch, some guy came up and asked me if my boat was for sale. He said he didn't want one of those "pretty boats." I know he was talking about those sparkly-painted, very expensive fiberglass bass boats, but I'm not sure if I was insulted or given a compliment. I'm taking it as a compliment. None of the fish I caught seemed to care.
“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore looking like an idiot.” (Steven Wright)
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