Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did you ever get that feeling that you are old...

I saw this cartoon in a recent issue of Army Times and it brought back memories from my last assignment. Seeing as how I was the oldest guy in uniform at the time in the Provost Marshal shop, some of the other guys liked to chide me about having served with Hannibal when he crossed the Alps, or with Custer or U.S. Grant.

Well, I am one of those guys who thinks, believes this life isn't all we get, so I could very well have served with one of these armies in some capacity or other. I just hope I wasn't one of the elephants or a pack mule or the poor guy who cleaned up after the elephants.

In the near future, I am going to put together some short accounts of my deployments during Desert Storm and during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). I will include some pictures of the areas so any readers I might have can see what the terrain looks like. I don't think this will, by any means, be the last of wars, but one can hope and pray.

I just want to recount some personal experiences and get some of this in writing in case I get to a point I am unable to remember any of it. This stuff will be for my son and his children. I didn't get to talk to my dad enough about his experiences in WWII and I regret that.

I dream of having a grandchild who will ask, 'Grandpa, what was war?'


1 comment:

Poolpatcher said...

My dad also served in "The Big One". Dad seldom mentioned anything about the war but I was able to learn that he was a radarman in Europe and was part of the Red Ball Express. Like you, I fully regret not spending more time talking with Dad. Fortunately we did spend his last year making several trips to his second favorite past-time, the casino's. Dad died on 19 Dec 2002 and I miss him...