Thursday, November 26, 2015

What a sight...

I was driving to town this evening to pick up some things just as the moon broke over the horizon.  It was huge!  Can't recall seeing one so big.  Maybe it was just the position it was at in the sky, or where I was in relation to the horizon, but it was full and huge. 

I called my wife on the car phone and had her take a picture of it out our back door. The picture is a bit grainy and fuzzy, but maybe you will get the idea.
If you look closely on the right you can see a pole from the back fence and on the left is a part of a pine tree out there.  You can also see some of the lights from the farm down the road.

Unfortunately my wife didn't get the shot just as the moon was at the horizon.  I called her too late.  I think as the thing rose in the sky, it got a bit smaller.  Anyway, you still get the idea.

Probably won't be sleeping very soundly tonight.

May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door. (Anon.)


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