Part of our Sunday ritual on our way home from church is a trip across the old Eldean wooden bridge in Troy. Going slowly across the old wooden roadbed, you hear the "clackity clack" of the tires shaking the huge wooden planks. We do this almost without fail, sunshine, rain or snow. Not many people have the opportunity to experience this, and we feel it is our duty to take advantage of it for them. If you want to see the bridge, I posted an article about it in 2010 ("A Norman Rockwell kinda scene" in the "General Musings" section.)
Well, Pam and I were coming home from church last week and saw something we had seen just about as many times as we had crossed that bridge. And every time we passed this scene, we were either in a hurry to get somewhere, or just didn't take the time to stop and get a picture to share with you. So here it is.
I think this is one of those country scenes that the camera can't capture. Maybe if I had taken these with the real camera and not my phone camera (which I an still learning how to use) they would have been better. But -- if I had planned out far enough to bring the real camera, I would have taken lots more pictures and might have done justice to these beautiful creatures and this gentleman's outstanding horse farm.
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. (Winston Churchill)
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