A thought from an old guy while having my morning coffee...When an old man dies, it is a whole library which burns.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"Up, Up and Away"...
Back in Pam's and my days at Ohio University, there was a singing group out called The Fifth Dimension. This group was really popular, singing around the fringe of the hippie movement and the love culture, but not casting their lot with the drugs, sex and unrest that accompanied/plagued the others. They had a good sound and made lots of money, but they went by the wayside because they were probably too good a group that wasn't flashy enough or controversial enough for the emergence of rockers that were taking over the business.
The reason I go into all of that is because one of their best songs was titled "Up, Up and Away." It was a light, happy song, with catchy lyrics which later became the theme song for a major airline. The song's lyrics got attached to the whole hot air balloon industry, becoming the instantly-recognizable image that surrounded that segment of flight.
My niece, Meredith, became a hot-air balloon pilot a few years back, and had gone in for the whole enchilada - a big, yellow balloon (they call them envelopes) that looks like a huge yellow light bulb when they do "glows," the basket, tanks, electronics, and a new Toyota Tundra truck(with a hydrolic lift on the back) with which she hauls all this stuff to rallies and county fairs.
Last weekend, she was over at the Maria Stein Country Fest, a small country festival near our home. If you have not been to one of these things before, they are really fun, with lots of food and local entertainment (Pam and I saw our first "Tractor Square Dance" at this year's event -- we were told that this is a Country Fest staple and it was quite a draw.)
I really enjoyed this particular night because Meredith asked me to help her with some of the balloon set-up. It really is quite a bit more strenuous than getting the old 172 ready for flight, and I was really impressed with how she glides around, handling things, getting the beast ready for fire (the burner that fills the envelope with hot air). You don't know how much of a temptation it is to rattle off a list of politicians who could have filled this balloon, some single-handedly, and kept it up at least through Massachusetts.
There were 6 or 7 balloons there that night, and they all participated in the glow. Only a few of them flew and only for a short flight since the day's winds had not died down early enough. You see, they are only allowed to fly in daylight (VFR rules only). The colors of these huge elephantine-envelopes highlighted an already spectacularly- blue sky. Pilots call this a "severe clear" sky.
Pam and I took a ride in one of these magnificent flying machines for an anniversary about 15 years ago. It was spectacular! In a way, I envy Meredith that peace and serenity. It's a lot of work to get it in the air, but she really knows her stuff and I can hardly wait to go "Up, Up and Away..."with her. You go, girl.
I have known today a magnificent intoxication...I have learned how it feels to be a bird. I have flown. The balloon seems to stand still in the air while the earth flies past underneath. Yes I have flown.
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