The pond has a good number of catfish in it so I wasn't worried about how many they would take, and I was glad to have them thin the ranks of the cats, especially at their spawning time.
When they arrived, I wasn't there to offer any advice, figuring that since Pam usually outfishes me in that particular area anyway, she could offer all the advice they needed. Instead, I was playing golf, subbing for my neighbor in his golf league. As well as I played, I probably could have done better fishing.

His stringer showed this to be the case as he already had three or four pretty good sized ones headed for the deep-fryer. One of the fish was 27" long, and pulled the scale at just under 8#. At that point, the two of them were now really into it. In fact, Chris had broken his line at least twice trying to set a hook on a strike, or get one in that he had hooked. He said he had 10# test on his pole, but the line was pretty old, so it was bound to keep breaking. Pam gave him her pole and he quickly got back into the hunt. Each of them pulled in a couple more big ones, and then the realization that it was getting dark and they still had to clean this rather impressive 7-fish bounty was overtaking them and they figured they had had enough. We decided to try to get a final figure on the catch and ended up with the total catch weighing in at just over 40# on the stringer. This was a pretty good night for them, and I'm sure the remaining fish in the pond appreciated the removal of that much competition for their food.
Chris told me they got them all cleaned by a little after midnight. Since his wife and kids were out of town, they decided to clean them at his house. He says the smell is pretty well gone now!

Bragging may not bring happiness, but no man having caught a large fish goes home through an alley. (Author Unknown)
1 comment:
No going through the alley for these guys, the email and phone calls were abundant the next day!
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