A thought from an old guy while having my morning coffee...When an old man dies, it is a whole library which burns.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009
April Road Trip to see D,D & Q...
I know I am really late in writing this, but better late than never. I thought I had better do this one before we go again next month for his first birthday.
Our last trip to see Doug, Danika and Quinn (D,D & Q) was clear back in April. It was a pretty good trip and we really had a good time. We got to their apartment early Friday afternoon and since it was a beautiful afternoon, we decided to take a walk. We loaded Quinn up in the stroller and headed out to Prospect Park. We got to the first park to let Quinn swing. He had been there before and really liked it. Unfortunately, they were doing maintenance work on the swings and the rubber matting underneath. So, we decided to head out to the large open area and eat our sandwiches and chill out for a while. There were lots of people out enjoying the sunshine and it was really pretty nice for April. After eating, we decided it was time to head out to the gardens and petting zoo located on the other side of the park.
The zoo and gardens were pretty nice. I guess I never thought of these sorts of things in the middle of Brooklyn. Right in the middle of it all, there was a carousel. I'll bet there aren't a lot of these left in the country. I remember the one on the Mall in DC in front of the Smithsonian, but that's the only other one I've seen for quite a long time. Quinn thought it was pretty cool and really liked watching the colorful horses go round and round. We also saw lots of animals at the small zoo. I'm not sure Quinn liked them all or knew what all of this was, but he really liked the monkeys he saw at one of the buildings.
On Saturday, we spent time outdoors too. We started out going to the open market, but on the way, we stopped and got Quinn a cool pair of blue shades. He really liked them and they looked good on him. The market was at the entrance to Prospect Park and was pretty big. There were lots of things there and the smells kind of blended together to make it seem like some of the food bazaars I used to visit overseas. It sure was busy, but I guess that's how they do things there -- since the apartments are small, they buy fresh foods a little at a time. Not at all like here in the midwest where you go to the store and buy 15 to 20 bags of groceries and store them for weeks until they are eaten. Also, I'm not sure if that's what they call them in NY, but it was like our Farmer's Markets, except that most everything I saw was labeled "organic."
Then we ended up back at Prospect Park. This really is a nice place, a big island of green space in the middle of the city -- lots of people there playing frisbee and soccer, walking their dogs, flying kites and just lying out on blankets. I saw one guy practicing his T'ai Chi and some people playing softball. This day started off a little on the cool side, but when we got to the park, it was very pleasant. The sun must have brought out lots and lots of people because there was not much room for people to lie around, with all the other things going on. In fact, when we got up to leave, two different groups of people came running over to take our little space.
Pam and I really enjoy being there with Doug and Danika, watching Quinn grow up. He is such a happy little boy and they are really doing a great job of raising him. I know I'm sounding like a grandpa, but I'm allowed. And I'm sure he won't always be Mr. Happy, or as Randy (his other grandpa) calls him "a Little Grin-box," but he's off to a great start.
He turns 1-year-old in July. It hardly seems possible, and he's changed so much. All of us will be together for his birthday. What a time that will be. Look out, New York -- the Quinnster is on his way!! What children need most in life are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance: unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life, and most importantly, oatmeal-raisin cookies.
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