For the last two days, we have had some pretty cold weather. Add to that, we have also had tornado watches, 12-15 m.p.h. steady winds all throughout the last three days with gusts up to 40 m.p.h. And yesterday, we had snow squalls throughout the day and night -- of course, it is sunny and all melted now. Sounds pretty much like typical weather for the first of March here in McCartyville. I tell my friends from Troy, where we used to live, that this is the land of 100 m.p.h. winds everyday of the year.
So I was up early this morning, getting ready to go to Columbus for a meeting for committee work I do, and happened to look out one of our windows overlooking the pond. There were lots of birds out there, all huddled up, down on the ground, trying to stay out of the wind. Might have also been waiting for the wind to blow the snow cover off the seed on the ground. After all, it was breakfast time. I think birds eat breakfast -- it seems they eat all the time.
Anyway, I thought I could hear one of the robins up in the tree saying, "I can't believe I left Florida for this." Guess they're paying the price for the trick Mother Nature played on all of us the last couple of weeks. Can't wait for my brother-in-law and his wife to get back from Southern Florida where they have been hanging out for the last week or so. Boy are they going to be in for a shock!!
Oh well, the man-trip is only 3 weeks away and we'll be playing golf in the sunny, warm North Carolina countryside. I hope. We've had some pretty bad trips down there too.
So, since all my golfing buddies except Dave, have been playing already for at least 15 rounds this year, and I have not because I had my knee scoped and had to plan it out so I would be able to go on this trip, I thought I had better come up with some good one-liners to use on the course just in case this doesn't go as planned. So here goes:
1. I didn't miss the putt. I made the putt. The ball just missed the hole.
2. (This is a take-off of the XX beer guy). I don't always one-putt. But when I do, it is usually for a double bogey.
3. I was one under today. One under a tree, one under a bush, and one under the water.
4. May the fade be with you.
5. Should I look where I think it is, or where I hope it is?
6. (Pre-round prayer): God, grant me the serenity to accept the shots I miss; the courage to try, try, try again; and the wisdom not to throw my clubs in the dag-gone lake.
7. (If, by chance, I lose a ball): Just remember -- golf balls are like eggs -- they are white, they are sold by the dozen, and you usually have to buy more next week.
8. Life is short. Go for it in two!!
9. (For all the environmentalists I might happen to play with): Save the earth. It's the only planet with golf courses.
And, last but not least...
10. (Back to the XX Beer guy): I don't always make birdies. But when I do, the next hole is always a double bogey.
Any of you golfers out there can certainly feel free to use these as the need arises. Our plan on this trip is to play 4 solid days of golf. However, if that doesn't work out, well, there is always Crosby's Lounge and the free drink coupons. I figure these sayings might get worn out by the end of the week. More to come in April in this matter.
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