We had a real nice Thanksgiving family get together hosted by Linda and Luke and, of course, their dog Buddy. It was a real nice drive up to their house, sunny and temps in the upper 50s. Brian, Melissa and the kids were also able to join us this year which was nice since we haven't seen them for a couple of years. I enjoyed a part of the afternoon talking with Brian about different military things (he's a former Marine but I don't hold that against him !!!). Got a real good picture of all of us. Check it out.
One other thing that I might mention -- there was quite a bit of wind which figured into another interesting thing -- all the wind turbine farms. Once we got on the outside of Van Wert, there they were. They just popped up and it was really fascinating. They were all over the place, these giant poles and the three blades swirling around in a slow, but steady rotation. It was kinda like some Orwellian "War of the Worlds" thing all around us. Luke said there were 200 of them spread out all through this area. I took some pictures, but they don't do it justice. And it was a bit distracting driving -- we couldn't stop staring at them.
There are signs all over the place down in our area about "no wind turbines." People say they create such a racket when the blades are turning in a stiff wind. Well when I stopped to take these pictures, I couldn't hear anything (of course, my wife says I can't hear anyway, so you be the judge). I saw an article in the SDN looking to sway public opinion against these turbines because they kill the earthworms all around the bases of these things. I didn't get a shovel out to check it out, but I would doubt if any more worms are killed after their construction than might be killed by the application of fertilizers and manure to the same fields. Anyway, check these out.
Luke told us that he heard each of these would provide the electricity to power 500 homes. They also told us that the local schools benefited substantially from the taxes these things generate. That's great for the local residents who have to support the schools with their taxes. Can you say "ROLLBACK."
All in all, it was an enjoyable, interesting day. Too bad this happens only a few times a year. But being spread out pretty much from Columbus to western Ohio means it's hard to get everyone in the same place all at once. Then when you add D, D, & Q being in NY, it's really hard. So we just enjoy the times we do get and remember them until the next time.
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. (Meister Eckhart)
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