Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One of the last beautiful sunsets this fall...

We have had a couple of beautiful days this past week, warm and sunny.  It's kinda remarkable too because it's the second week of November.  We've had snow before this in some years.  In fact, I played golf twice this week.  Yesterday it was in the mid-sixties and two of the guys who were playing wore shorts!

In any event, there sure was a beautiful sunset the other evening.  The sun was casting a golden glow on the pond and the corn in the background.  There were even some maple trees that still had brilliant red leaves to show off.  

I took some pictures, and while I was doing so, I noticed one thing -- the sun really goes down fast this time of year.  I took a picture and went to take another one and noticed how much the light had changed in just a minute or so.
It's a good thing I got these pictures yesterday, because it rained most of last night, and today brought a cold front with 10-15 mph winds all day.  All of the maples are now bare.

I was also walking around down by the pond and happened to see a whole bunch of fish.   There were bluegills, minnows and quite a few mid-size bass.  I suspect they will be heading for the deeper waters soon enough.  I told them I would be looking for them next spring.

If I can put but one ounce of golden sunset into the life of any person, then I shall feel that I have had a hand in doing the work of God. 


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