Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Glad things are back to normal...kinda...

I don't know about you, but I sure am glad things are back to normal after all the election hysteria.

Being residents of one of the battleground states, it seemed there was a non-stop blitz of political commercials, basically from sun-up to bed time for about three months. I don't know if any of those sound bites really changed anyone's mind or really educated anyone. I'm not even sure they convinced people to vote. I think the "Pied Piper" approach to rallies had more of an effect on registration and voting than anything else. I don't care what the talking heads tell you they learned from their "scientific" polls, people pretty much had an opinion from the beginning -- right, wrong, or whatever -- and they pretty much voted along that line.

Having said that -- and I feel very much relieved for having done so, thank you -- let me tell you what I meant by "back to normalcy." The commercial segments of the nightly news have been recaptured by medicine-related infomercials. I have seen more of Sally Fields pushing her Boniva pills than I really care to. In fact, I've seen her more lately than I did when she was really hot doing her TV shows.

I have also had my fill of hearing of pills that give you more bad side effects than the pill is supposed to correct. I would say I was sick of hearing of them, but the drug companies probably have something for that too. Are the drug companies really trying to educate people to buy something that kinda scares the heck out of them?

And another thing (Sorry, Andy -- I just had to use that line)...I don't know how many more sex pills I can hear about without throwing something at the TV. Fortunately, there is always my trusty mute button. And what's up with those things ending with the two people in bathtubs on a beach or at the edge of a forest. Did I miss something in my sex education class or the locker room?

I just hope my grandchild's first words aren't "Erectile Dysfunction."

"A healthy old fellow, who is not a fool, is the happiest creature living." (Sir Richard Steele)


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