Monday, November 23, 2020

"Band of Brothers Adventure" Day 3 -- NORMANDY, Part 3 ("Then and now") ...

Quite a while ago, a friend of mine (Keith) sent me a power point presentation that showed pictures of Normandy as it was during the war, and as it was at the time these pictures were taken (not sure of the date).  This was kinda the spark that led to this trip.  Thought you would like to see it and I really wanted to show that particular one.  BUT, I was not smart enough to figure out how to get a power point presentation linked to this entry. I'll keep trying.  Maybe my friend Dave will be able to tell me when he reads this.

I'm not sure this video will be the one to come up each time. But, again, you are looking for the one that is titled "Normandy, then and now."

Also, please feel free to skip the ads that might pop up.  Don't know how to edit them out.Also, I hope there is nothing that is inappropriate that might pop up.  If this becomes a problem, I might delete this entry.

Regardless, this was quite a trip.  Seeing the places where my father might have walked was quite an experience.

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him”


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