So, here it is, April and we are still kinda wrapped up in a Christmas eve kind of feeling. Expectations are high as we made our way to Brooklyn to meet her and spend time with the family. The boys were on spring break so we headed there to give the parents a hand during this week. It sure was fun getting to meet Miss Vivian. And even though I know better, I think she took a shine to me.
Of course, I had to share her with "Booma" (what Heath calls Pam). Vivian was a very contented baby and very easy to hold.
We were there pretty much the whole week, so we got to do quite a bit with the boys. After spending one of the mornings at the park, we went out to lunch at the local Subway. Quinn likes their Flatizzas while Heath is pretty much sold on a ham sub on white bread. It rained a good bit of the day so we didn't get to do much outdoors.
On one of the days, we took the boys to the bowling alley at Ft. Hamilton. This is not a very big place, but has quite a bit of historical significance in its past. We'll save that for another day. Today's challenge was to find out if the boys could throw/roll a bowling ball down the alley with sufficient force and speed to knock over any pins. They accepted the challenge and proved their worth. Quinn had one strike and two spares in his game. He was using a ball that was rather light so he was able to bowl in the traditional manner. Heath, on the other hand, needed considerable help. I would carry the ball over to this green thing that resembled a dragon's tail. One would place the ball on the top of it and the "bowler" would proceed to push it from its perch onto the alley and toward the pins. Heath did quite well for a two-year old.
We also got to go to the library one afternoon. Each of the boys picked out a book -- I read one to Heath and Qujinn read his own. He also picked out a soccer book for his daddy, who is quite into soccer. And even though Quinn is quite capable of reading his own books, Booma and I (a.k.a. Grandpa) were still given the opportunity to read them a story before bed each night. I know they will grow out of this, but I hope it isn't any time right away.
Before we got away from there, we were able to get a "family picture." Each of the boys has his own "picture tolerance" and we just about maxed it on both of them. Vivian didn't seem to care that much -- at least for now. She was just satisfied with lying there being her adorable self.
“I’m glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song, seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone.” (Dr. Seus)
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