I don't know if this is just a local thing, but every time someone is elected to a leadership position in some organization like VFW, Kiwanis, a lodge of some kind or other, around here say they are now the "Grand Poobah."
Well, I was elected the Post Commander for the VFW Post 4239 for the 2014-15 year so I guess that now makes me a "Grand Poobah." My year begins in July, following the state convention. I am looking forward to this opportunity to serve Vets and their families. Below is the picture taken at the installation of officers which was held last month.
Shown here is the current Commander, Tom Kinninger (l) with me at the installation of the 2014-15 officers.
There are three things I hope to keep in mind as I start down this road: First -- This is something I learned a long time ago in the Army. When you think you are a great leader, put a piece of string on a table and try pushing it in a straight line. It won't work. You cannot be the leader by simply pushing people. You have to get out front and pull the string (lead) to get things in line, moving forward. Second -- This is something I used to tell my Lieutenants ... "Lead, Follow or Get the H_ _ _ out of the Road." and Third -- (and this is an old Indian saying) "He who is about to tell the truth aught to have one foot in the stirrup."
A Leader not only sees the way and means to an end, but also knows that the end is possible.
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