Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Christmas in April...

One of my Christmas presents from Pam was delivered this past week as the two of us went to St. Louis to take in a Michael W. Smith concert.  I really enjoy listening to his music, but when he's doing a concert with the St. Louis Symphony, I know it will lean heavily toward performing cuts from his Glory album.  So we chose this placed to spend a nice get-away week trip.
Arriving on a sunny, warm Wednesday afternoon, we were able to spend a few hours in the downtown area, visiting the Arch, walking around the downtown area, seeing Busch Stadium and just enjoying ourselves.

The downtown area was really nice, and the town really backed the Cardinals as all the fountains in the Courthouse area were full of red water.  Unfortunately for them, however, the Reds had just defeated them, 4-0, so sorry about their luck!

We also did the tourist thing and rode to the top of the Arch.  We had been there before, but I forgot how small those pods are that get you to the top of the Arch, some 630 ft. above.  Following that, we were also able to walk around the "Westward Movement" exhibit that is housed in the basement of the Arch complex.  The exhibit serves to highlight the theme St. Louis has given itself as the "Gateway to the West."  Here are some pictures from that exhibit.  I chose the covered wagon because it reminded me of my first "Commander's vehicle" in the Army -- the oldest one in the motor pool.  The Tee-Pee somewhat reminded me "the commander's tent."

The actual Christmas present came the next day.  However, a much uninvited "guest" came visiting during the night as I had somehow, somewhere contracted the stomach flu and spent the entire night (and I do mean entire !!) tossing out my guts.  I know, gross!  Somehow, I managed to get out of bed the next day at about 6:00 p.m. to go to the concert (actually by then I felt almost human and felt that I would not give the plague to everyone in the city of St. Louis) and really had a great time.  But shortly after getting back to the motel, I was back to the same old thing.  In my delirium, I came up with a couple of potential events for the next Olympics (Summer or Winter -- it makes no difference):  HURLING, and DIARRHEA DARTS.  Remember, I was sick for two days (and still had two more days to come), so please forgive me.

Oh, yeah, the concert.  What a great treat to be only five rows from the stage, sitting on an aisle where I could stretch my legs (and have a straight shot to the restroom if necessary).

We were slated to go see the Zoo and other things on Friday, but that was O.B.E. (an old Army saying -- Overcome by Events), and not wanting to pay for a day in the hotel only to see the inside of the bathroom, Pam had to drive home while I tried to sleep in the co-pilot seat.  I am not supposed to go into any details, but I'll just let you know that she also came down with it and here it is Tuesday and we are both just getting back on our feet.

Oh well.  The concert was what we went to hear and that was a very nice evening.  If you like his music, it doesn't get much better than Michael W. Smith playing with the full St. Louis Symphony.  I would also highly recommend his Glory CD.  What a great Christmas present.

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)


1 comment:

Poolpatcher said...

DIARRHEA DARTS? An Olympic event...I don't think so. LOL