Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Just an observation...

While we were on our way down to Georgia a couple of weeks ago, we stopped at a Wendy's for lunch and I noticed there were two men in there who were carrying concealed weapons.  They were not together -- one was a construction worker with a 9mm Glock on his belt, and the other was a young man who was also carrying a 9mm Glock on his belt. 

Interestingly enough, no one in the restaurant raised a fuss or said anything about them, pointed them out to the management or anything else.  These two were not calling attention to themselves; they were just eating their lunches.  And I only noticed them because I notice things like that and they weren't that well concealed.

Georgia is an open carry/concealed carry state, so I guess that if I had stayed there for a while I would have seen others come and go who were also carrying a weapon.

My point is, this must be an accepted way of life in Georgia, everyone knows it, and they don't pay any attention to those who carry or raise a fuss because they are sitting next to them in a public fast-food establishment.

Nothing else.  Just an observation.

Benjamin Franklin once said of the right to bear arms by the citizenry of this country:
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

P.S.  Yes, I am.

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