Sunday, July 8, 2012

Those lazy, hazy , crazy days of summer...

Don't know about you all, but we've been staying in out of the heat these last couple of weeks.  Our temperatures have been pretty high and the humidity has been the "two" of the one-two punch.  But just so you don't think this is an article about the weather, let me tell you what we like most about the "lazy, hazy" part of summer.

We have two hammocks up around the house, one on the deck and one out by the barn.  Carving out some time to lie in one of them in the evening is just one of those old-fashioned pass-times that the people wrote about in magazine articles and nostalgic stories of old.  It is just so relaxing to lie out there and listen to birds, see if you can see the hummingbird when you hear it flitting about, and catch the occasional fish jumping in the pond.

Pam said this was not fair, catching her in mid-nap one evening.  But since I couldn't take a picture of myself, she was fair game.

 Sitting in the chairs under the shade tree by the pond is also relaxing. 

Oh, yeah, one other thing -- it's fun to tool around the pond in the canoe.  I know the pond isn't that big, but big enough to paddle around and, if you're not careful, get real wet when the canoe gets overturned. 

So that's how we spend some of our free time here.  It sure is funny what retired people think is fun.  Not too long ago, I would have said this stuff was "borrrrrrrrrring" but now it's just...about...rightA few days spent like this and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world.

Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.


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