Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Another great trip, Part 2...

One of the things I enjoy most about visiting D, D, and Q is experiencing the things that just come up.  In a city so big, one would think that there is a new thing just around every corner, and that would pretty much be true.  For instance...

On Sunday of the visit, there was a street fair in Brooklyn.  Pretty much all of 5th Avenue was blocked off and the street was filled with booths, food stands, fun things for kids and adults, and even such things as clowns and magic acts. 
 We stopped at one of the magic acts and instantly got taken into the act.  I don't know how this guy did it (sorry I didn't get his name), but he was fantastic.I participated in a card trick and it was simply amazing how he got the card that I picked from the deck, wrote my name on it, and somehow got it into his wallet which was in his back pocket.  Great trick, but probably wouldn't want to buy a car from him!!
One other thing that I'm sure not many of you have done is fly a kite in one of the parks in Brooklyn.  On Sunday afternoon, the wind was pretty good and it was a bit of a challenge getting the kite to fly and not get too close to the kite-eating trees.  Quinn is actually pretty good at this for only being 3 (not yet 4).  I, on the other hand, have not flown a kite for probably a quarter of a century or more, so my results were mixed at best.

But now, I guess I can cross that off my "Bucket List."  

 And another thing ... other than at a county fair, when was the last time you rode a merry-go-round with your grandson.  This is just another of those things you don't do on a regular basis around here.
So these are just a few of the things that we get to experience on our trips and they will be replaced by new ones on the next trip I'm sure.  Just down the street, just around the corner, new experiences, new smells, new sounds lure the traveler, calling to them, "Come experience this.  I know you don't have this back in Nebraska or Montana."

“What's the use of a great city having temptations if fellows don't yield to them?” (P.G. Wodehouse)


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