Just outside Troy, Ohio, on Route 25-A, there is an old covered wooden bridge. It crosses the Miami River and has been there for quite a while, thru storms, floods, and even time. It is not the main crossing there as the county built a by-pass so the main road and traffic would not destroy the bridge.
I have driven over it a number of times, usually during the winter because it's kind of cool driving up into it, and as you are going thru you can look out thru the windows over the river. Then you go out the other end and back into the snow which is usually drifted up in front of the drive and you have to put the truck in 4-wheel drive so you don't get hung up.

I remember one winter evening in particular when Pam, Doug and I went driving in a pretty good snow storm and came to the bridge. I just had to go through it. The one end was pretty clear, so in we went. Then as we were just about to get to the other end, I noticed the snow was drifted up to about two feet or so. I was in the Blazer, so "Huuuugggghhhhh (I think that is how Tim the Tool Man does it) -- bring it on. The only thing I didn't know was that the 2 foot drift was about 2 - 3 feet for the next couple hundred yards. Oh, well, just keep driving. Sure would have been a long walk, but I'm not going to back out the way I came in!! So when I hit the drift and kept going, the front of the truck actually lifted off the ground for a bit. I was much younger then.
One other thing that is cool about that area is the river itself. It is pretty shallow, and the bottom is rocky and the current is pretty good -- great for fly fishing. I have been there a couple of times -- haven't caught much, but it was pretty cool working that fly rod, wading up and down the river.
The historic marker tells the story of the bridge and if you like history, it's pretty interesting. You can click on the picture and it will open in a larger frame, which will make it easier to read. Also, note that the bridge is named for the feed/grain elevator in the background -- the Eldean Elevator.
To sit and poke at a wood fire on a cold winter night, or watch geese fly over a snow covered field is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world.