Friday, April 2, 2010

Locked away forever in the scar tissues of my mind...

That's the way I felt about this past winter, and pretty much how I felt about last year's golf outing, or as Dave M. calls it, our "Man Trip." We were now emerging from a very long, crappy winter, February was a real killer, and it was time to think about a newer, better trip. The snow drifts on McCartyville and Hoying Roads didn't finally melt until the first week in March. And then, you guessed it, we got another shot just to remind us who's in charge!

Well, you gotta get up pretty early in the late morning to fool me two times. Last year, we scheduled out trip for the third week in March. It was a beautiful sunny, 70-degree drive all the way down to North Carolina. Course, once we got there, the weather changed and we nearly froze the first day and got snowed on the second. Sooooooo, we moved this year's trip back a week later in the month figuring it was closer to April so it had to be warmer and sunnier this time.

This year's trip was going to be different, because we added Dave B., my old Command Sergeant Major, to the group, and everyone knows even the weather gods don't mess with the CSM! So we had another sunny drive to the Tar Heel State, got there and feasted on Little Richard's BBQ. But I hate to tell you, dear reader... the trip went "South" from there.

The golf escapades will be recounted in detail in the next entry, but here's a little teaser: this trip was like our last fishing trip -- the gals at the hotel desk said "next week will be better" and "you should have been here last week."

On top of it all, I think I got food poisoning or something like that, because I get sick Friday night and ended up loosing my fish dinner at just about the same time Ohio State got thumped in the NCAAs. OH, well...Sorry, Dave...Sorry, front lawn of the hotel!!!

One funny thing did happen while we were stopping at a well known travel plaza on the WVa. toll way. There were three young people panhandling people in the parking lot. Their stories ranged from the usual car breakdown, to they were traveling with Elvis and he dumped them here and he took all their money. In a way, it was pretty comical as we compared their stories while they were standing there. Of course, we stopped there on the way back, and there they were. The one young lady started to come up to my truck when she recognized us and turned around and ducked behind some other vehicles. Maybe she recognized the Sergeant Major. He can be that way!!

Robin Williams once said, "Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'" I guess he never heard of this guy (me) who said: Being a golfer in North Carolina in early spring is like being a donkey caught in a hail storm -- you just have to stand there and take it...whatever "it" is!!

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.


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