Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quinn, the Subway Guy...

Pam and I just returned from a trip to NY to visit Doug, Danika and Quinn. What a nice visit it was, complete with two very nice days of upper 50s/low 60s. It was a bit windy, especially on Saturday, but that didn't stop us from going out walking on both days.

Saturday, we bundled up The Quinn and got on the subway and went to a place called The Dumbo (I think) -- it was down by the river and near the Brooklyn Bridge. It seemed like a very nice, up-and-coming place. Lots of people down there walking, jogging and just being out of their apartments.

Quinn is shown here riding the train, acting just like a native New Yorker -- minding his own business, not making eye contact with anyone. He did have to look up once though to see what Grandma was up to and what that crazy guy next to her (me) was doing.

While we were in a Starbucks, some girl came by, walking two pot bellied pigs on leashes. They had little blanket coats on like dogs do, and they were certainly getting lots of attention. I know Doug used to say that guys liked to walk dogs on the Green at college because that was a chick magnet. If she is using this as a guy magnet, I'm not sure I like the underlying message. Oh, well -- such is life in NY.

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
(Walt Streightiff)


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