We went to a very nice restaurant called Zac's. It is located in an old building that used to be a bank, I think. Anyway, the inside takes on the look of a New York style eatery. The food was very good.
Following this, we went to a microbrewery that just opened in an old factory building where my dad worked and where my brother and I earned summer/college money. The city of Zanesville has been rebuilding and renewing some of these old buildings, putting in things like this brewery, art studios, dance studios, and condos. The area appeals to young people and really adds a different look to these old, potential eye sores. They have been doing a lot to try to modernize the downtown area. The beer was pretty bad, though.
Anyway, I was able to drive around some that afternoon and evening revisiting this old friend I used to call home. In some aspects this town has really changed. It's amazing how easily memories come shooting back. So-and-so lived down this road; this was the spot where the old Northside Beach used to be (the site where my wife and I first met back in high school -- boy did she look good in that two-piece) (it's now a Lowes and no sign of water or sand); here's where I used to live and here's the world-famous "Y Bridge." Old memories, most of them good ones, bits and pieces of an earlier life -- yep, this was a good trip.
“No memory is ever alone; it's at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations.” (Louis L'Amour)
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