Friday, October 15, 2021

BULLS win, BULLS win ...

Back in 1988, the movie, Bull Durham, hit the screen and became an instant cult classic.  If you had seen it, back then, and could quote a few lines from Crash, you might have been one of the "cool" guys, and girls (and maybe other jocks, too) thought you had the "it" factor that was portrayed by Kevin Costner in the movie.

I used to play baseball in little league and high school, and I was a catcher. Hmmm.  But as it turned out, the movie was several years after I graduated -- in fact, I had been in the Army for almost 20 years by that time.  Amazing how things get caught up in the blur of time.

Anyway, the reason I am writing this entry is since moving to North Carolina, we have been to several Bulls games.  It is really fun and the Bulls play a high level game for a minor league team.  Attending one of these games is pretty much like attending a major league game -- parking is expensive, team attire is expensive, and food is really expensive!!  But it is fun.  We have taken our grandkids to a few of the games.  They really liked seeing the eyes on the BULL out in left field light up and smoke come out of its nose when one of the Bulls players hits a home run.  They also really liked the "bat dog" (a Lab that would go out and retrieve the Bulls batter's bat after he got finished hitting).  

So, anyhow, the Bulls won the Triple-A East division with an 86-44 record. They also won the "Final Stretch" (kinda like their end-of-the-season championship).  Our last game was the last Friday Night fireworks game.  They really know how to do fireworks.  Below is a short sample.

So, how did all of this measure up with the kids?  Well check this out...

Already looking forward to going to one or two of the Carolina Hurricanes hockey games with Doug and the boys. Also looking forward to another baseball season.

“Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You’ll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy and you’ll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back on your shower shoes and the press will think you’re colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you’re a slob.” (Crash Davis / Kevin Costner)
Or, if you have the "it" factor, how 'bout this ... 
"The rose goes in the front, big guy.’ (Crash)

1 comment:

Poolpatcher said...

Bull Durham...a classic indeed!!! Glad you got to take the grandkids to see some games. If Barbara and I ever make our way down south to see you, I want to attend a game!