Friday, February 21, 2020

Snow in NC ... Oh, my ...

This blog entry should be of particular interest to my friends back in Ohio. 
This is a picture of the early afternoon snow.
 All day yesterday, the local television stations were going nuts telling us about the snow that was supposed to be coming through the area later that evening and over night.  Well, they got it right, although I was rather amused because I doubted that the world was really going to come to an end as they suggested.  The Raleigh television stations even preempted Lester Holt and the Nightly News to keep showing weather maps and frenzied commentators.

Actually, it was rather pleasant watching it come down in the evening.  Reminded me of some of the snows back in Anna.  Missed our late night walk around the pond and down McCartyville Road with the humm of the grain elevators and dryers running.  Oh well, at least this snow will be gone later today (temps to get into the 40s today and upper 50s tomorrow) and the kids will have gotten a chance to play in it and build a very small snowman.  No shoveling -- ground is too warm for it to stick around very long.  Drives and walk ways pretty much all melted and it is only 9:30.  Nice bright sun is helping! 

I told one of my friends in Ohio that the locals put "grits" on the sidewalks and driveways to improve traction.  They say the birds eat it after the snow melts 😀 I haven't tried grits yet myself ... still on my list of "maybe someday" things to do.

So, OK, we've had a snow here.  Don't know if this officially marks the end of the "Third Winter" season (see previous entry about culture) or not.  May be a bit too early yet.  We'll see. 

Regardless, I do know that the golf "Man Trip" is only a month away, and I still have a tee time for 11:00 this Saturday on the driving range.  Need to get some practice in.

Getting 3" of snow in North Carolina is like winning 30 cents in a poker game !



Poolpatcher said...

So did you run out and purchase milk, bread, and bottled water? Cold up here (27 right now) but a ray of bright and welcomed sunshine. It's supposed to be 50 on Sunday so I may try to do some chipping at the driving range. I don't think my shoulder can take long irons or the driver yet but it is responding to therapy really well.

mbenn391 said...

No rush to the store. Snow here melts before you can get through a check-out lane! Glad you are able to chip and putt -- at least that keeps your head in the game. Take care.