A long time ago we gave up trying to get "all" of the family together for the holidays. It seems that there are just too many other obligations pulling people away, so we take what we can get and have a good time. I think everyone kinda looks forward to me fumbling with the camera, running around to get in the picture (complete with a resounding chorus of "Run, Forrest, Run!" from the members of the peanut gallery), only to find out that I didn't set it correctly and we have to go thru it all again (and again, maybe).
The tables were set just right.
And the "cook" is caught in a mid-sneeze moment as she is reacting to an overdose of pepper to some stuffing.
Of course, no get-together would be complete without a friendly game of after-dinner pool. Luke and Pam are having at it.
The nice thing is that we got to do it all over again at Christmas... and guess what -- I managed to get there in the picture just in time. Guess I still got it!
So that brings you up to date on our celebration pictures and family gatherings. It's an ageing group, but we're still doing pretty well. This year saw some medical issues, stress producers like moving, redecorating, renovating, and just "getting older" things, but we made it through them all and dare I say, they are not invited to come back!!
What greater blessing to give thanks for at a family gathering than the family and the gathering.(Robert Breault)
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