Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas wrap-up...

Christmas 2014 was pretty good.  We got to spend time with some of the family at my brother's house and most everyone was there (Brian, Doug and Danika and their children were unable to attend -- too bad).

So, as Christmases go, this one wasn't really out of the ordinary, but one thing did stand out when I looked back at pictures of previous years -- we're all getting a bit older.  You know how I can tell?  There is a distinct absence of hair on the guys.  And if that is happening to the guys, well, let's just say the women are experiencing similar milestones (but being a gentleman, I'll let you come up with your own estimates of these "milestones."). Another measure of just how old we all seem to be getting is that everyone was pretty much partied out by 6:00 p.m.  That could have been because none of us got our naps, and it could have been because some of us don't like to drive after dark.  That might be a good case for those self-driving cars, huh?

Oh, well, at least most of us were there and we had a good time.
Trying to decide if anyone can bend over to pick up a present for the exchange.
I can't remember if this was the ladies lining up to begin singing carols or begin a line dance or maybe the "Can-Can."
No, this is it -- Jessica is leading them in carols from her I-pad.
I kid around with them a bit, but at least we were together.  And Luke and I were really there, just incognito. I can remember one year (the year I was gone for Desert Storm) when we didn't have a gathering -- or at least they didn't tell me about it if they did.  And just like this one, I wouldn't have been in any of the pictures anyhow. Hummmmphh!!

So ........ this closes out 2014.  Overall, it was a good year -- successes, failures,  good and bad times came to all of us in some fashion or another.  Fortunately no major health issues.  We are, indeed, blessed to still be all together.  Now to see what blessings, trials and mysteries await us in 2015.

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life! (Albert Einstein)


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