Sunday, November 2, 2014

A fall visit to D,D,Q, H and Flower...

We managed to squeeze a trip to NY in this past month so we could spend some time with Doug and Danika and our grandsons -- and, oh yes, Flower.  We are expecting another grandchild in March and it just so happens that this one will be a girl.  Doug and Danika asked Quinn what he thought they should name her and he said "Flower" so that is what it is for now

The weather was really very pleasant and we got to spend quite a bit of time outdoors, going to parks, taking walks, going to a Farmers' market at the Prospect Park, etc. 

One thing we have learned about Heath is he doesn't like to have you hold his hand when you are walking somewhere.  The exception is when crossing a street, and then it's "aaauuuuuugggghhhh" (which we have learned to translate as "Let me go.  I can do this.").  Even in a crowded farmer's market, he wants to do it his way.
We had a good time with Quinn too.  He is a pretty deep thinker and really likes to experiment with his science kit (especially doing messy ones).  Here is a couple of shots of him making a volcano and getting it to erupt.  Good thing we had a plate under all of that.

And of course, Heath is just like all kids -- he likes to watch Elmo on Grandpa's phone.  All kids are that way aren't they?

It really is fun getting to spend time with them.  And it's good to know that Doug and Danika are raising two fine boys.  We can't wait to take our turn at spoiling a granddaughter.  What fun that will be.
My family is an ice cream sundae, and our grandkids are the cherries on top!


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