Sunday, September 28, 2014

What a beautiful Sunday afternoon...

Now that the 10th Vets to DC trip is in the books, Pam and I are getting some time to ourselves.  For me, that means I am now getting back to writing more entries for the blog.  I have about 5 or 6 that will be coming out in short order.

So let me start with this one.  I was on the computer pretty much all afternoon, writing "thank-you" letters to sponsors for the trip when I just had to get up for a stretch break.  It was so beautiful outside, I asked Pam if she wanted to go to Tawawa Park for a nice, long walk.  Didn't take much convincing or arm twisting...she was ready to go.

It was about 78 degrees when we left which is pretty warm for this time of year.  However, the walking trails are all tree-lined and shady so it was very pleasant.

One of the paved trails is called the "Veterans' Walking Trail."  It winds through the trees, in and out of the sunshine.  The creek that runs throughout the whole park takes a turn along side this trail and the sound of the falling waters makes it a very relaxing place to be.
While we were walking the trails, we would come into a particular area where the sun came bursting through the trees and really lit up a particular spot.  At one such place, Pam was standing next to the creek, while at another she was leaning on an observation deck railing and the light hit her just right.  I got a couple of pictures and they turned out pretty good.  I just wish I had had my good camera with us and not this camera on the phone.  Probably would have turned out much better.

I have written about this park in earlier entries, telling how beautiful it is and how lucky the residents of Sidney are to have such a place. All of what I said before is still true.  Kudos to the Park District staff who keep this place in such spectacular shape. Each time we visit,  the park shows itself off with great splendor. 

I just hope it is here for a long time to come as I am sure there are lots of Sidneyites who have yet to discover it.

"In wilderness is the preservation of the world."  (Thoreau)


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