Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hail, yes...

The weather has been really nice in this pre-spring period.  We've been in the upper 60s to mid-70s for the last two weeks and I've been able to get three rounds of golf in so far, work around the pond and even cut some of the yard once.  It seems the area where the driveway was put in last year, where I put in new seed and fertilized the heck out of it, has gone bonkers and will probably need cutting again in a couple of days.  Even with that, I still like the weather so far, but know the other shoe is likely to fall.

We may have gotten a little taste of what could have been a nasty storm last Thursday when we got a really heavy hail storm.  I was driving back from Krogers where we were doing a fund raiser for the next WWII trip and got hit by the brunt of the storm. The hail bounced off the Jeep and left a couple of very small dings, but no broken paint or windows.  There were a couple of shots where I thought I was going to be wearing the front glass.

Pam's early spring flowers took a beating.

I am a weather spotter for Shelby County Amateur Radio and I got some measurements of the hail.

I'm glad the Jeep wasn't damaged.  I sure didn't want to fight the insurance battle for hail damage.

So this evening as I am writing this entry, watching OU win its NCAA game to advance to the "Sweet 16", I'm listening to the frogs in the pond.  The back slider is open and it's still very pleasant outside.  Pam said the pond looked like it was being shot by a machine gun during the hail.  Glad the frogs made it through all that.

One of the things I like about living out in the county in Ohio is the changing of seasons is so pronounced, so impressive and so powerful.  And I know enough about it to know that I can't change it so I just apply one of my old Army sayings:  "Adapt and overcome."

Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.  (Oscar Wilde)


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