After her dinner, Bailey and I went for a walk so she could sniff and do her business. It was just starting to get dark, and a huge, bright full moon was just breaking over the horizon. The temperatures were starting to fall, and the skies were "severe clear" -- a term I learned in my flying days which meant that it was so clear up there that it almost made it hard to pick up things because there was no background.
Anyway, as I write this, the temperature my weather machine reads is 18.2 degrees, and probably falling. I was able to get the camera and take a picture of the moon. From just looking at the picture, one might think this was a mid-day shot, but I turned off the flash, opened the lens, and steadied the camera on the railing of the deck out back, and shot away. You can see the lights from some of the houses in the background, and that's really the only thing that helps you keep me honest.

If you look closely in the front window of the barn, you can see a faint reflection of the red sky following the setting sun. The blue by the back of the barn is the tarp covering the woodpile. I'm sure there are lots of field mice and rabbits taking residence there, trying to keep warm and dry, and out of sight of the owls who will soon take up patrol. And one other thing -- look just to the right of the wood pile. The small white thing kinda in the middle of the big tree's trunk (not the pine tree) is a tombstone for a Civil War Veteran in the cemetery out back. I'm sure he's seen a lot of these full moons a'rising.
I'm sure glad I'm in the house tonight and not in the barn! Curl up Bailey, it's gonna be a one-dog night for sure.
The color of springtime is in the flowers for all to see; the color of winter is in the imagination that only the observant know.
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