A thought from an old guy while having my morning coffee...When an old man dies, it is a whole library which burns.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Her people call her "Cow Whisperer"...
Every evening after Bailey is fed and has had her shot, Pam takes her for a walk. I go some of the time, if I'm not off playing golf or fishing or watching the Reds. Walks in the country are usually pretty interesting because you're likely to see all kinds of critters on the way -- most alive, some dead. Every once in a while, Pam will tell me she saw a deer running through the wheat fields. Lately, there have been lots of rabbits seen going in and out of the corn and bean fields. I sometimes marvel at their brazen indifference to the presence of Bailey. In the old days, she would have been barking, straining at the leash to chase them off thru the fields. It's like they know she can't see them anymore and they are flaunting their new-found freedom.
Another group of "critters" we usually run into is the new group of baby cows at the farm just down the road. Pam has taken to stopping and talking to them each night. The babies even come from the other side of the lot to see her when she comes down the road. They aren't all that sure what that brown thing on the end of that leash is, but they certainly recognize Pam. She'll go over to the fence and talk to them, hold out her hand and let them lick it, and let her rub their heads. Sometimes, they even knock each other out of the way to get in front of her. It gets comical at times. And then, something will spook them and off they will go in a gallop. Kind of like a little stampede.
I suppose anyone who doesn't understand the curious nature of baby cows would think all of this was strange. Like she has some "gift" for communicating with animals. I think she's starting to get the nickname "Cow Whisperer."
When the pressure of a complex world thins my blood and benumbs my brain, I seek relief in the country; and when I hear the cows heralding the onset of a colorful sunset, a cool evening, my cares fall from me - I am happy.
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