This cycle also keeps the pond up pretty high, which is good. Our
We had a new visitor today, an American Coot or a "Mud Hen"(below). Here I thought I was the only coot around here. It took me a while to find something on Google, but when I did, I found the old Coot to be a pretty interesting duck. According to the article, "a Mud Hen (Fulica Americana, a bird of the Family Rallidae) is a marsh bird with short wings and long legs that

Anyway, this old coot would walk along the bank in the mud and grab some little things to eat as it walked. We had one stop by last year, but today was the first time I got a good look at it. I don't know if they are skittish or not, but it didn't appear to be. Could have been that it couldn't see me for the rain and fog here this morning. Of course, it could have been those superior skills of stealth that I learned in the Army kept me from being discovered! Do you think?
Oh, yeah, we have one more guest around here -- but this one isn't very welcome. My neighbor, Jim, called the other afternoon and told me that the skunk was back in the cemetery behind our houses. YUK! I was up here at the computer at the time and looked out the window and sure enough, there it went down the ditch by Jim's house, heading back to its hole. Must have been up to just extend it's greetings to Jim and Amanda. They were having a little gathering out in the yard -- lots of relatives and friends. Needless to say, it sure knew how to mess up a lawn party.
And finally -- we also have a new bass in the pond. Bob, one of the world's truly great fishermen, got a 20" one this morning and came by to drop it off. I can hardly wait to see the look on some young kid's face (maybe Quinn!) when he or she hooks that one. It really was big. That will be fun to see. Well, that's just about it for now.
The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man. (Anonymous)
1 comment:
Well! I learned something new today. I had no idea there were Old Coots out there besides us!!! Interesting post...keep 'em coming!
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