One of the things the club is going to do is take part in what are called "fox and hound" events. Better known as radio direction finding exercises, the over-simplified objective of the event is to find the emanating source of a radio signal. The club will send out

The fun thing about this kind of activity is the "hounds" have to build a portable antenna which is used to locate the radio signal and enable them to triangulate the "fox's" location. We have to know the area, how to read a compass and a map, and most importantly, how to build the antenna.
Here is an antenna I built for this exercise. It's pretty cool and seems to work. We'll see. My wife thought I was building a divining rod so I could go out and find water. Another nice thing about this is these kinds of events are pretty cheap to participate in -- this antenna cost me about $10.

Now, those of you who know me know I just can't go out there with this antenna that looks like something from some spy novel and play this straight. So, I'm thinking I should maybe dress up in a full body, aluminum foil wrap and a silver football helmet and walk around like that. What do you think the locals would say about that? Better yet, maybe I should get out my old Army protective mask and wear my uniform and walk around through the fields. Bet that would cause a stir.
One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't. (Henry Ford)
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