Friday, May 2, 2008

Update on Spring in the country...

Although I would like to say I've had hundreds of requests for any news on the baby robins, I can't. But let me update you on what's new.

Momma robin lost one of her four eggs to a nest robber. Of the three remaining, only two have hatched as of this writing. The babies started out as two little blurs of pink with some very fine fuzz. In the last two weeks, they have taken shape and appear to be keeping momma hoppin' bringing various bugs and worms for dinner. I'm not holding out any hope for the remaining egg.

As for the trees and flowers, things are looking very nice. The Wedding Dogwood is coming out very nicely. It had a rough start, being transplanted after a twelve hour truck ride from North Carolina. We weren't sure it would make it, but it's up close to the house so it's protected from the harsh, Shelby County winter winds. There were actually two of them, one for Danika's parents and one for us. The trees were part of the decorations on the alter at their wedding.

The crab apples are exploding with color and the rest of the named trees: Colonel Oak (oak tree the neighbors bought for me when I retired from the Army) and Catfish Joe (weeping willow down by the pond that the neighbors bought for me when my dad died) are doing just fine.

Bailey (our 12-year-old chocolate lab) is hanging in there. I think she is catching my arthritis. She got a cortisone shot this past week and is also taking Glucosamine tablets. She is having a little trouble getting around and although she wants to take her long nightly walks, she is only able to get one or two neighbor's yards in, depending on how her day is going. This is a painful time for her and us.

"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created Spring." (Bern Williams)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear of the birth, we also have a robin's nest, this is in the big oak tree out front.
The oak tree is also the home of our dish for the computer, do you think Mrs. Robin is hacking?
Good luck to you Mrs. Robin...son.
p.s. Bailey tell dad to heat the pond, like a hot tub for your swim's it's good for the joints.