This is another entry in the series called "YES -- this is why we moved here."
I have had a lot of good, quality time with my 14-year old grandson, Quinn. He is sharp as a tack, and one of the things I really like doing with him is going to the shooting range. Q is a Boy Scout (First Class) and a couple of the merit badges he was recently working on were the shotgun and the rifle badges.
If you are not familiar with this system, Scouts have a large list of educational areas that they study and can earn "merit badges" when they have mastered that particular area. Among other things, Scouting has a rich history of teaching boys about outdoor life. This dates back to its earliest days.
So anyhow, these two merit badge areas were something I could help him with since I've had MORE than my fair share of time on a range. We started with a .22 Henry rifle. No recoil, easy to shoot and fun. I should mention that he is already quite proficient at archery, so shooting this rifle came easily to him.
This is one of our targets. He was shooting at the big circle. I shot at the little box in the lower right.
So, what to you think -- Him? Me? Toss-up? Nah ... I think he got me.
And if you think this is good, you should see him shooting the 20 ga. at clay birds at the trap range. Very good!! Maybe some time I'll tell you about my experiences with the 20 ga. pump ... pretty embarassing. Oh, and one other thing -- he learned how to clean both of the rifles afterwards. Oh yeah!!
All-in-all, it was a proud moment for him and me when he received both of these merit badges. Good job.
Merit badges are your doorway into countless possible lifelong passions. Take your time and enjoy them!