Tuesday, January 31, 2023

So close, but so far away ...

One of the nice things about living in North Carolina is our proximity to sporting venues, both college and professional.  Since moving here and enduring that asinine period of time known as "COVID" we have managed to go to several Durham Bulls baseball games, two college football games (Wake Forest vs. Army, and NC State vs. Syracuse), two hockey games (Carolina Hurricanes) and a couple of baseball games for a local minor, minor league team called The Carolina Mudcats and a NC State vs. Duke basketball game (NC State killed 'em in front of a sold-out PNC arena).  And I guess if I wanted to stretch out some, I could probably go to any of 3 or 4 professional golf events in this area too.

Another nice thing is that we have been able to continue the MAN TRIP golfing extravaganzas  all this time, and I think this year's trip will be the 16th year for it. Everyone must like it -- they keep coming back.  Heck, I know some guys who's marriages didn't last 16 years!  But then, this is golf, not married life.

So here it is, the end of January.  The grass here is green, but needs to be weeded and fed.  Plans have to be made as to what new items will be added to the yard landscaping.  Vacation plans have to be drawn up and agendas need reviewing (you know -- gotta get all those doctors scheduled and visited). So what is missing?

Well, here's two things I can think of right off the top -- the Cincinnati Reds and maybe homecoming at Ohio University.  Might have to see if we can fit a "road trip" in to catch those two things this coming fall.

Oh yeah, I haven't even gotten to the grand kids and their activities we have gotten to see and be part of.  Why just last night, Quinn (our oldest grandson) received his First Class Scouting badge.  That was really neat to see and be there for. Anything he does now in Scouts will take him past my level of achievement in our scouting troop back in Zanesville.

We've got some pretty exciting stuff lined up for them this year -- hang gliding lessons for Quinn, and an old-fashioned train ride for Heath.  

I guess I've been neglecting the blog for a while (has it really been since August?) and have been fooling around in FB land. I have been called to task by some of my olf friends and blog followers, so I guess I had better get back to it.  I might mess around in both arenas for a while, but the blog is my first love so we'll see what happens. Stay tuned.

So these are just a few pictures of some of the things we've been doing  and some of the upcoming entries I will be writing about. Until then...

“I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” (Diane Ackerman)