Friday, July 15, 2022

Getting ready for this year's MAN TRIP ...


After some thought, I have decided to revise this and make it a two-part entry. Check it out.

Part one:

Well, it's almost time for this year's Man Trip.  I've been working with the hotel getting things lined up and the courses selected.  In fact, I've even been to the driving range a couple of times this week hitting balls.  Boy, it's really interesting how quickly one can lose a swing and tempo.  

So it was interesting when I signed on to the computer today and there was a little video of my photos from our last trip. Check this out. Be sure to enlarge it.

These trips are always fun, and there is even some good golf played every once in a while.  Looking forward to this year's trip and I'll keep you updated after this outing. 

Part two:

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it seems a bit invasive, bordering on spooky, that on its own, Google would decide that all of a sudden I would want a video of pictures  from over a year ago, put them in the correct sequence, and end them with a team picture in front of the Pilot Mountain background. 

I know Big Brother is always watching, but it seems strange that just as I am working with the hotel on our arrangements via Gmail correspondence, this Google video would appear. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised because I know that if I even mention or search for something in Google, I will be bombarded with ads for that product.  Same issue with Facebook. Just a head-scratcher.

Maybe I am going to have to read those two- and three-page-long "agreements" next time I get an update.  It probably says in there somewhere that I have no expectation of privacy and should not be surprised by anything that goes on in Googleland.

What do you think?  There is a little link below called "comments" if you care to leave your thoughts.

“You don’t know what pressure is until you play for five bucks with only two bucks in your pocket.” (Lee Trevino)
