Haven't had a haircut for a few weeks, and I was getting a bit shaggy. I guess that's OK 'cause it keeps the sun from burning my head, but I discovered a problem with it -- or so I thought -- when I was playing golf this past Monday. It seems I kept hitting behind the ball and taking a rather big divot. I've never done that before, or at least that many times in a round. Well, after conducting more research over the next 14 holes or so, I came to the conclusion that I had too much hair on my head. It was too heavy and pushing me down into the ground, so I had to hit short!! I also found that with that much more hair, I was always sweating and the hair was always wet, thus adding to the weight that was pushing me down. That, and the fact that my head always felt waterlogged, drove me to this study, and to the barber.
I further explained that as part of my study, I thought that dark hair was heavier than gray hair, so I wanted her to cut more of the dark hair and trim the gray. She said that should not be a problem, since there was a disproportionate amount of gray on my noggin. If this weren't a scientific study, she wouldn't have gotten a tip for this cut.
Anyway, as she was cutting away, I started to feel lighter in the chair. I thought I was going to have to hold the arm rests to stay in it. By golly, I think I'm on to something here.
Well, after getting a second opinion from Dave (the other barber in the shop), I left and headed to the truck. I have to admit, as I was getting in I did hit my head on the top of the door opening -- but I think that was just my being clumsy.
Later that day was my golf league and I thought I was going to hit that ball soooooo sweeeeeet!! How could I miss, being so light on my feet and all. Well, I did hit it sweet!! My shots off the tee were pretty good, and my irons were very good. In a sense of full disclosure, however, I admit I shot a 48, but I had an 8 on one hole and a 9 on another one -- the fairways were really soaked and the grass was very long because they couldn't get the mowers in there to cut. Anyway, our team won 26 points and we are currently in second place -- thank you very much.
I called Cheryl the next day to report the findings. She asked if she could tell all her golfing customers about the study and the results. I told her that I was going to see if Golf Digest wanted to publish the results first, then she could use them. I told her I would mention her and the shop in the article. Funny -- she said I really didn't need to do that. I wonder what she meant by that!
I found out how to increase my length off the tee -- hit the ball and then turn around and run backwards real fast for about 15 yards or so.